revolutionary healing

revolutionary healing

art, theater & somatic experiencing: explore - heal - expand - thrive


Healing Art Workshops

Embark on a guided journey of self-care, reflection & discovery using the power of art to heal & transform. Live, Online, no art skills required. 

One-on-One Support

Coming Soon (2024): Release old patterns, heal, expand, and thrive via one-on-one coaching using somatic experiencing. Sessions are done virtually.

Applied Theater

Book an applied theater workshop or series for your clients, staff, or leadership team. Based in the liberatory pedagogy of Theater of the Oppressed


Use the power of art, theater, embodied and somatic practices to transform your organizational culture or leadership team.

Christine Manley Martinez, M.A.

Christine earned a M.A. in Applied Theater from University of Southern California, is a certified Windows Facilitator, and worked for over 15 years with non-profit and social impact organizations. She was drawn to the healing arts in her own journey as a survivor of sexual assult, religious trauma, and white supremacy culture. Now, she is committed to bringing healing to others via the transformative practices that revolutionized her own healing: art, applied theater, & somatic experiencing.


What are your hours?

Healing Art Workshops: Tuesdays at 8pm PST

One-on-one coaching: by appt (weekday evenings)

All other services can be booked directly by reaching out via the contact us form below.

How much does this cost?

Healing Art Workshops: $60/session

One-on-one coaching: $150/session

Theater workshops & Consulting (varies).

Ask about sliding scale, non-profit employee, and

multi-session discounts. Rates are subject to change.

What is your philosophy?

I use trauma-informed practices to create a brave and safe space to explore and heal. Together we will incorporate creativity & play in the proccess - helping you connect to your inner wisdom, your body, & your truth. My training is based on Theater of the Oppressed by Augusto Boal, A Window Between Worlds, and (in progress) Somatic Experiencing.

Do I need any art/theater talent or skills?

I believe all humans are born artists & actors - and that creativity is a human right.  My practices are designed for everyday people. We tap into our own bodies & use creative methods because they are effective and can open a healing window. All you need is yourself and a desire to explore, no special "skills" are required.

Let's talk!

Business Hours

Mon - Fri
Sat - Sun

Contact Us

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